Ken Beirne
Welcome to our family website!

This is the wedding picture of my paternal grandparents. Michael and Anne Gavigan Beirne were both born in Roscommon Ireland but never knew one another until they met in Lawrence, MA.

The information in this database is based upon many years of research and contributions from other family relatives to whom I am grateful.

So, dive in by selecting (clicking) on the “Home Card,” or, to see a list of “Surnames,” or, click on “Index” to see various individuals included within the surname groupings.

To navigate our extensive lineage, click on any person’s name and to see their information and connections to parents, siblings and children.

Also, to view the ancestry for any individual, just click on the small family tree icon next to their name to see a 5-generation pedigree.

Note: The information displayed only shows the basic data from a very large database (5450 individuals) that I retain, including various documents, pictures, records, et al.

Some other links that may include information about various individuals can be seen on Ancestry.com.


Also, you can find extensive information on the Sullivan County website that is hosted by Bob Sweeney:

1. For privacy purposes, information for those born after 1980 is limited on this site, but still available by sending me a request.

If anyone has edits, or, is interested in more information for themselves and their relations, contact me.

-- Ken Beirne